Geotechnical laboratory was created in 1996. The Laboratory provided a commercial testing service for all types of soil samples, usually as part of a wider service by Fugro Engineers B.V. or one of it’s sister companies. The Laboratory also provided a commercial testing for other foreign and local companies.
Geotechnical laboratory maintains a quality and safety management system in line with AZS- System of National Standardization, The State Agency of the Azerbaijan Republic on Standardization, Metrology and Patents to ensure the quality and safety of its services.
Most tests performed in the Laboratory are carried out according to the Standards laid down by the American Society for Testing and Materials ( ASTM ), British Standards Institute ( BS ), Recommendations of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – ISSMGE ( DIN ) and/or the Dutch Standardization Institute (NNI).
I n October 2014 Onshore part of Fugro in Azerbaijan has teamed up with SOCAR and the laboratory is now part of the SOCAR-Fugro LLC.
The laboratory is certified No AZ 01.0605.01.21 as well as with ISO 45001:2018; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 9001:2015.
SOCAR Fugro LLC offers a range of laboratory and field testing services that address the need of clients in construction and related industries. As well as providing data for use in geotechnical studies, these tests are part of the quality control procedures prior to and during construction of commercial, industrial, petrochemical and other projects. The services performed in our geotechnical laboratory in Baku, Azerbaijan include.
- classification testing, e.g.
- plasticity
- particle size and density o organic matter
- chemical testing
- effective stress (triaxial) testing consolidation (odometer) testing
- permeability
- shear stress (shear box) testing
- compaction testing (proctor)
- bearing ratio (CBR)